Equipment Xchange LLC
Buying & Selling Surplus Equipment Since 2000
HomeStainless Steel TanksNew Shell & Tube Exchangers

309 Columbia Road
Hammonton NJ 08037

Phone 609 561 0500

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Used Chemineer drive model MD6HTD-50. SN2-A7221-1. 1800/900 RPM with 280/140 RPM output. 50 HP 3 phase 60 cycle 460 volt motor.
Item 12014-001 



Used clamp on agitator drive. 2 HP. 3 phase 60 cycle 1755 RPM. 230/460 volt. Stainless steel shaft and dual prop agitator.
Item 13945-018
Used clamp on agitator drive. 1/2 HP. 3 Phase 230/460 Volt. Stainless steel shaft and 3 tier prop agitator.
Item 13945-019
Used clamp on agitator drive. 1/2 Hp Stainless steel shaft and dual tier prop agitator.
Item 13945-021
Used clamp on agitator drive. 1/2 hp . Stainless steel shaft and 3 tier prop agitator.
Item 13945-020
Used Clamp On Philadelphia Mixer model PR12. .75 hp 3 phase 230/460 volt 1750 rpm. Ratio 5:1. Output rpm 350. Stainless Steel shaft and 3 blade prop agitator.  
Item 13091-106
Used Lightnin clamp on mixer. 1.74 hp 3 phase 50/60 cycle 208-220/440 volt 1725/1450 rpm. Stainless steel shaft and two tier 3 blade pitched turbine agitator.
Item 13091-107